your new bff on this awesome journey
"I wish I knew then what I know now"
This is something I continue to say to myself as I look back on my 2 pregnancies and the baby phase of my kids lives. I learnt so much through research and experience at that time and i feel like it would be such a waste to not share it. Thats why i started this blog, to pass on any information I can to make this special time as peaceful and enjoyable as possible for all the new mums and mums to be out there. Its a whole new world for women when they step into the role of mums, a world that is unfamiliar. Let me be your new bff as i guide you through the aisles of mother care, sit with you in hospital waiting rooms, laugh with you about your swollen belly,feet and boobs and ensure you and your new being have the most awesome time.
Who am I?
I am Lana. A survivor of 2 pregnancies, infancy and toddlerhood. Currently navigating my way through pre-school!

CONTAct me
For promotional and business collaborations, or for any personal questions, you can reach me here:
info@mysite.com or drop me a line: